Our experience is ready for you

Dastoor Almajedis proven through a proven track record of providing high quality services without compromising health, safety and environment.


Refractory and fire services

Our dedicated refractory services specialists and supervisors have a wealth of craft experience, and our refractory expertise extends to all phases of refractory construction, including refinery conversions, major refurbishments, refinery maintenance and new construction projects. Through planning, rapid response and comprehensive cost control, we consistently deliver successful and safe thermal projects.

Fleet management

Fleet management is the processes that fleet managers use to manage all fleet and asset information, from acquisition through disposal. This enables companies to reduce costs, improve efficiency and ensure compliance across the entire fleet operation. Managing a portfolio of commercial vehicles can be a challenge at the best of times. Add to this the external influences that a fleet manager faces but has little control such as legislative changes, uncertainty in the vehicle market and escalating costs and the task can soon become overwhelming. Related software can play a big role in coordinating fleet management activities.

Scaffolding services

The foundation of our success is a strong safety culture that ensures all projects are delivered using high quality materials, a trained and experienced workforce and detailed planning at every stage of project delivery. Our existing workforce is integrated with our line staff who are trained in-house and through external organizations to ensure the work complies with current legislation and standards. Training ranges from safe erection of scaffolds to the correct use of personal protective equipment. Additional project-specific training such as confined space training or manual handling training is provided after a detailed project risk assessment.

Logistics services

Specially trained individuals who specialize in handling shipping procedures for your company. First, the products will be sent to the warehouse where they need to wait for the order to be placed. The product has spent a significant amount of time in the warehouse or can also be ordered as soon as it arrives at the warehouse.

Industrial drawing

The appearance of a product is often subjective and is therefore more important when marketing the product than when choosing the type of protection required. This section focuses on paint as a means of protection. We will focus on finding the right paint system for each of the different environments in which paint is used. We assist our customers and provide them with technical advice in choosing the appropriate coating system and guarantee the most efficient protection of the surface to be painted. The coating system is selected taking into account both the available coating equipment and many other factors such as: type of structure, type of surface and surface preparation, type of environment, type of protective coating system, type of work, durability, minimum health, safety and environmental data, etc. Unprotected steel in the atmosphere, in water and in soil is exposed to corrosion that can lead to damage. Failure to adhere to regular and required maintenance could result in serious financial consequences.

Mechanical manufacturing

Mechanical manufacturing is the process that involves creating machines, parts and structures from various raw materials. Typically, a fabrication shop bids on a job, usually based on engineering drawings, and, if the contract is awarded, builds the product. When the project includes custom controls and mechanical applications. Concept Systems partners with leading mechanical engineering companies to provide custom mechanical solutions that complement any control system. Each project is delivered with a full mechanical assembly drawing including a detailed bill of materials. Each part is also individually ordered and archived for ease of manufacturing later if replacement parts are required.

Car body repair

The process of repairing any large dents, dents, or paint chips found on the exterior of your vehicle is known as auto body repair. Services include repairing punctures or damages with the help of epoxy filler or putty to maintain the structural integrity of your vehicle. Our experts are also trained to repair any mechanical damages such as dents or dents resulting from accidents.

Pipe works

We offer a complete service package from trench excavation to backfilling of completed pipeline of any diameter with final grading. We also offer a complete double joint service, significantly reducing on-site welding and delivering faster, safer and more cost-effective construction techniques. To maintain existing pipelines, we offer complete pipeline safety services where we can identify weak points in the line via intelligent tampering technology, daylight signaling and repair while the line is still hot. Pipe turning, sealing, bolting and torque services are also provided to maintain pipeline assets.

about us

who are we?

Our mission is to provide you with the highest quality facilities and the best professional services. We try our best to provide you with the best products that meet our customers' satisfaction.


Project development stages